10 Things not to Do when Renting a Car

Bonaire is a tropical island, where donkeys, goats and other animals live next to its inhabitants. The roads on Bonaire are mostly in bad shape!
We advise you to follow these guidelines:


  • Please do not smoke in the car
  • Do not go off-road if you have no experience with it
  • Don’t drive through downpour deliberately, the holes underneath can be deeper than you think
  • Don’t drive along or through tufts, these cause scratches on the car
  • Do not lock your car, thieves might break your window
  • Leave no valuables in your car!
  • Do not sit with wet swimwear in the car, please put a towel on the chairs.
  • Drive no faster than the allowed 60km / h, a donkey or goat can cross
  • Show respect for the car, than it will last longer
  • Make sure the car is refueled at return, if you have received it fueled as well.

Tropical Car rental Bonaire - 10 dingen niet te doen